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                                                          Hygrogen Transportable RH and Temperature Calibration Laboratory

                                                          Hygrogen Transportable RH and Temperature Calibration Laboratory

                                                          Product Details:

                                                          • Voltage 110-220 Volt (v)
                                                          • Color Black and Grey
                                                          • Weight 13 Kilograms (kg)
                                                          • Power AC Volt (v)
                                                          • Type Electronic
                                                          • Temperature Range 5-50 Celsius (oC)
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                                                          Hygrogen Transportable RH and Temperature Calibration Laboratory Price And Quantity

                                                          • 1 Piece
                                                          • INR

                                                          Hygrogen Transportable RH and Temperature Calibration Laboratory Product Specifications

                                                          • 110-220 Volt (v)
                                                          • AC Volt (v)
                                                          • 5-50 Celsius (oC)
                                                          • Black and Grey
                                                          • Electronic
                                                          • 13 Kilograms (kg)

                                                          Hygrogen Transportable RH and Temperature Calibration Laboratory Trade Information

                                                          • Cash in Advance (CID) Cash Advance (CA)
                                                          • 100 Piece Per Week
                                                          • 3 Days
                                                          • Yes
                                                          • Sample costs shipping and taxes has to be paid by the buyer
                                                          • All India

                                                          Product Description

                                                          Since its launch, HygroGen has become the benchmark for transportable RH and temperature calibrators. Hundreds of users worldwide have identied that this tool for rapid generation of xed humidity and temperature conditions can save signicant amounts of time when performing RH and temperature calibrations. The pharmaceutical industry especially has embraced the HygroGens capability to calibrate over an instruments working range to satisfy the stringent demands of Quality and Compliance regulations. The ability to transport the HygroGen to the installation location means that a complete system qualication is possible.

                                                          The second generation HygroGen builds on the excellence of the rst series with higher specications, additional features and improved design. Using a state-of-the-art embedded controller with touch screen user interface has been developed to provide the user with simplied setup and conguration tools. This includes a programmer function so that multiple set-point changes can be user dened. The embedded platform also provides additional features such as an integrated nine port USB hub, external DVI monitor connection, integrated data acquisition and calibration adjustment software.

                                                          The design objective was to create the perfect balance of form and function - precise generation of stable conditions, whilst being easy-to-use and maintain.

                                                          Transportable Rh And Temperature Calibration Laboratory :

                                                          • Generates stable humidity and temperature conditions
                                                          • Transportable calibration solution
                                                          • Humidity equilibrium typically in 3 minutes
                                                          • Calibrate up to ve RH probes simultaneously
                                                          • Integrated touch screen PC and USB hub
                                                          • External heated sample loop for reference hygrometer connection
                                                          • Easy-to-use graphical user interface

                                                          The new HygroGen2

                                                          Standard Features :

                                                          • HygroGen2 has a control range of 060 C. Improved mechanical design provides better thermal performance in terms of speed of response, control stability and tempera- ture gradients. Temperature control stability at equilibrium is better than or equal to +0.05 K.
                                                          • External heated sample points for connection of a a chilled mirror reference hygrometer are standard. This allows the user to precisely verify the calibration of the HygroClip control probe at any time, or to reduce overall calibration uncertainty.
                                                            • Touch screen interface
                                                            • Easy to use
                                                            • LC display
                                                          • Humidity generation is by a piezoelectric element with digital PID control allowing optimised response across the temperature range. At equilibrium RH control is better than or equal to 0.1 %rh.
                                                          • Integrated USB ports for the connection of peripheral devices such as a mouse and keyboard. Rotronic probes with USB cables can also be connected.
                                                          • The HygroGen manual includes an uncertainty framework to allow users to derive their own calibration uncertainty.

                                                          Technical Information :

                                                          HygroGen2 Specication

                                                          Relative Humidity




                                                          HygroClip2-S, capacitive RH sensor, Pt100 temperature sensor


                                                          Embedded multiple input PID controller, touch screen graphical user interface


                                                          5.95 %rh


                                                          Stability at Equilibrium

                                                          <0.1 %rh


                                                          Chamber temperature gradients

                                                          <0.05oC (1550oC), <0.1oC (560 oC), +0.15 at 0 oC

                                                          Generation method

                                                          Mixed ow with desiccant dryer cell and piezoelectric humidier

                                                          Peltier thermoelectric element with radial chamber mixing fan


                                                          Response time

                                                          3 mins (35 to 80 % change)

                                                          5 mins (20 to 30 C change)

                                                          Control probe specication

                                                          0.8 %rh (23 oC +5) +2 %rh (060 =oC)

                                                          +0.1 K (23 oC +5) +0.3 K (060 oC)

                                                          Typical calibration uncertainty

                                                          +1.5 %rh (k=2) at 23 oC

                                                          +0.15 oC (k=2) 1550 oC

                                                          Standard Features

                                                          Water level

                                                          Low and high alarm, bar graph status indication

                                                          Water quality

                                                          UV sterilisation, auto time cycling

                                                          Desiccant condition

                                                          Condition monitored during control operation

                                                          USB ports

                                                          7 front, 2 rear

                                                          Reference connection

                                                          Temperature controlled outlet and inlet, 6mm ttings

                                                          Programmer function

                                                          20 user program memory, up to 200 set-point changes per program

                                                          Mechanical & Electrical

                                                          Chamber volume

                                                          2 litres, effective working volume 1.5 litres


                                                          110240 VAC 50/60 Hz, 3A


                                                          Powder coated aluminium, IP20, 450 x 406 x 205mm (Max.)


                                                          13 kg


                                                          Safety: EN 61010-1:2001 EMC: EN 61326-1:2006EN 61326-1:2006 &EN 61000-6-1:2007

                                                          Order code:



                                                          HygroGen with touch screen user interface, set-point control and programmer function, heated sample loop, 1x desiccant cell, 1x ll syringe, embedded HW4-P software. Order chamber door separately.

                                                          Doors & Fittings


                                                          HG2 door 5x15 mm ports (for 5 HygroClips) with 5 bungs, order specic B1 sleeves for smaller probe diameters


                                                          HG2 door 5x30 mm ports with 5 bungs, order specic B8 sleeves to suit smaller probe diameters


                                                          HygroGen probe door for HF3 wall mount transmitters


                                                          HG2 clear acrylic door (no ports) for instruments with displays


                                                          HG2 fully custom door for >30 mm, see xx diameter codes


                                                          15 mm Bung


                                                          B1 probe sleeves (15 mm external, internal probe diameter see xx codes)


                                                          30 mm Bung


                                                          B8 probe sleeves (30 mm external, internal probe diameter see xx codes )



                                                          Additional desiccant cell, pre-lled with molecular sieve


                                                          Fill tube and syringe


                                                          Molecular sieve desiccant (3 kg)



                                                          HG2 embedded HygroClip2 auto calibration adjustment module


                                                          Transit bag, lightweight


                                                          HygroGen heavy-duty transit case


                                                          DVI monitor and lead

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